Dying Organic Cotton Sheets With Organic Dyes

The only problem that many consumers face is a limited choice in color of the organic sheets or they do not want to purchase sheets that have been died with chemicals that are bad for the environment. The solution to this dilemma is to dye them yourself with dyes approved from Mother Nature herself.

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For those that have an unlimited budget on custom sheets, they can usually afford to have someone custom dye their sheets. So, for the rest of us, we opt to do it ourselves. In all honesty the thought of trying to dye sheet ourselves can be somewhat overwhelming, especially when we have paid a lot for the sheets themselves and only have one shot at dying them right the first time. By using natural dyes or natural dye extracts can help take the worry of dying those organic cotton sheets.

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The great thing about dying organic cotton is because the cotton was grown without any harsh chemicals, the fibers of the cloth absorb the dye more readily. Also by using natural dyes and natural dye extracts there is a lot of room for experimentation. Each lot of these natural dyes also has a slight color variation. This is especially nice when making a custom color for the fabric and gives it a unique flare.

Many different types of natural dyes and natural dye extracts can be purchased online, at craft and or fabric stores or one can make their own homemade dye. When wanting to make homemade dye, all you have to do is take a short trip into your kitchen or backyard. Organic coffee and tea can give sheets calming neutral hues, such as light browns and light reds depending on the potency of the dye used. Sassafras root and Marigolds can be found in many backyards and are also great for dying fabrics. Note that only certain types of plants will yield colors that have natural dying properties. Some health food stores also sell bulk roots and flowers. Doing a little amount of research on which organic materials are better suited for dye can also save a lot of time.

Once the type and color of the dye has been decided upon, it is important to choose the proper container in which to dye the sheets in. Many like using large plastic tubs; these can be found at your local big box store. The reason that a plastic container is generally recommended is because metal containers will often have a chemical reaction if certain types of natural acids are added, like vinegar for instance. Also some roots and flowers need to be boiled in hot water first to extract the color, while some natural dye extracts just need to be diluted in room temperature water. Straining the dye before adding it to the container will also remove natural debris, such as leaves and stems and keep them off the fabric.

The time will vary on how long the organic sheets need to be soaked in the dye. A good rule of thumb is the darker the color desired, the longer the fabric should be soaked, for a lighter shade, the sheets can be taken out sooner. Finally, it is important to note that by adding vinegar or other types of natural fruit based acids in some natural dyes will also change the color of the dye.

Dying Organic Cotton Sheets With Organic Dyes
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